Saturday, 30 January 2010

Hmmm. Just a thought...

I think I need to change this particular posting places name....

((How about :))


Very apt as I don't half post some squirrel droppings on here and I am birdbrained half of the time.

Plus I am Robin.

Click the link for a laugh


Oh. Thank goodness I am allegedly a European Robin.. And not the North American variant of said bird....

The North American Robin is known Genus latin name

The Robin does most of it's mundane living during the day and actually gathers in great flocks at night.... FACTAMUNDO!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Robin,
    My favorite Bird, you are!
    Here in America, the Robin is a harbinger of spring! Well, we're in the dead of winter right now, but in about 7 or 8 weeks, we will see our first robin...
    Do take care, my Robin.
