Friday, 22 January 2010

The meaning of WORDS.

WORDS.... They have no meaning.

Great song. Rubbish assertation.

WORDS. Have meaning. What would you be doing now if there were no such things as words?

They are the very thing that has enabled the denizens and others on the Planet to communicate.

Where do words come from? I used to wonder as a kid. I love words, their origins, definitions and synonyms. The very many way that words are assembled and the slightest slip by speech or mainly written can change the meaning of those words and turn the sentence into more of an affront!

And Ecology and Endocrinology just two more of the OLOGY words and their subjects I adore...

ETYMOLOGY, quite simply means where these words come from, their originance, who used them and their meanings their antonyms and synonyms ETC ETC.....

I am writing this and timing to see if I can write to a set deadline. I know I can actually but just thought I would pass a #TIP on to anyone kind enough to read!!

So WHERE did words come from?

GOD knows. OK. End of piece.... You know me by now! I have an opinion on anything and everything and am not going to end this there!!

So WORDS. They didn't come from your Mammy and Daddy, nor their progeny. They came from the animals that first set foot, claw or pad or indeed, if you attest to Darwin, FIN! HEE! (No anyone who watches the odd foreign film this is not the 'FIN')

These creatures needed to communicate with each other and those of the Fauna able to vociferate did so. Did they understand each other? I reckon not until the HOMO SAPIEN appeared.... And then started using various tools of the time (No laptops, netbooks or paper, nor the Biro or Fountain pen to write these utterances down. I reckon that the first cultured caveman of the time must have had breaks from dragging his bitches round by the hair and also time out from making said object of misogyny having time from making the carnal utterings... It is also my theory that the first words ever spoken more than once so therefore in common use must have been during the act of knee trembling. I doubt those pre~caveman words were "F*** ME!" either nor "I say Jeffrey it's freezing they say an iceage is on the way." :))

So as I have just overshot my deadline I am going to finish by saying that if YOU too have an ardent interest in words try reading a dictionary (OED everytime for me) preferably one with other types of word usage too.

Also use and choose your words well. I always try to remember it isn't called ENGLISH for nothing, and try to use my English well in the written form without reverting to the more LATIN or FRENCH use of swearing!!

Try checking LATIN out. This CLASSIC language, which at approved school (joky term for BORSTAL, a kind of Holiday camp for naughty schoolchildren of the time!! :)) I never went to any of these less than fine estabilishments, and bet they were taught a bit of Greek and Latin there! I think there may be a smutty joke there about Greek and Prison but can't be bothered to drag that out....

Any way I have just really enjoyed writing this so sod the deadline!! Quo Vadis and QED.

As is yet to be demonstrated I have no idea what the above two Queue words means but I may watch either on Telly anytime, they were both BRILLIANT VIEWING :O))


<(ovo)> Rob xx

22/01/10 19.14pm


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