Thursday, 28 January 2010

A question of Faith?


"We ALL, every man, woman and child, need to find SOMEBODY to apportion blame on for the Life changing and literally Earth shattering events that are happening in Haiti right now..."

I along with the rest of the Worlds inhabitants watched as the horrific events unfolded and continue to deteriorate on a minutely basis. (TWITTER has been the BEST for keeping in REAL touch with REAL events and not the sanitised view of most of the media. Although I applaud most of the Media for not allowing the pictures that we, the viewers receive. Images are still drawn, etched and tattoed in my brain at some of the pictures I saw on TV, in Newspapers (THE SUN!! ) The Hillsborough thing was the Suns downfall for YEARS!

Imagine what it must be like to actually live in Haiti? Before the Earthquake, Haitians on the whole, had NOTHING.....

Reported as being the 'poorest' country on the planet....


I too have been questioning my faith and my concept of GOD as an entity has changed...

I tweeted the other day....

"HOMIES, we are on our own. GOD has moved onto his next project."

I was brought up Christian. Sunday School, Crusaders>> (A youth and sports social group with a little bible study thrown in for good measure. Even then I felt the need to question) And I tried doing the Alpha Course recently, but found dishonesty RE the financial handlings of the Group where I attended the ALPHA course. All about who and why GOD exists allegedly, but, in most cases just an excuse to get people to pay a tithe, often more, towards the upkeep of the Parsons Porsche....

Anyway. I have been ECLECTIC with my Beliefs for some time. Borrowing the Tenets from all or many of the MAJOR PEACE loving religions and sometimes, but not too often, discuss issues with a few of these people who practice other methods too!

So let us say that a GOD, made the Earth? On his own? I think not.

When the great redeemer 'from the sky' made the Earth it was HUGE. Much bigger than it is now.

The acid rains and all the asteroids have depleted this massive planet of ours into a relatively tiny ball hurtling through time and space. DESTINATION UNKNOWN


NO SIR or MADAM he would get a NOT GUILTY

(The Catholics will be familiar with GUILT, that is not a slight, I have taken communion and often genuflect ((Not always in humour:)) Having dipped my toe into most of the religions I feel that the Catholic faith has many ridiculous rules, CONDOMS being the most stupid of all!!!!) <

See Africa.

Is it not reasonable to think that whoever created US and our Domain has either DIED or MOVED ON??

He may have created the pillars of wisdom that are the building blocks. He may have given his commandments << (ALL MORAL NECESSITIES?!) He left many stories behind. The best selling book in the world is a religious tome. Or it was. (JK Rowling?? hehehe!) <<>

I still have my BELIEF. But now I choose to mix and match those beliefs and live on the memories of whoever or whatever the man ( OR WOMAN! ) whose life we can read about or watch.

There is someone with you everyday.


I will not live in somebodies footsteps but, if I admire or indeed love that person or persons I will try to EMULATE, ACCOMMODATE but ALWAYS EVALUATE....."

This HAITI thing has affected me deeply and the tears have not stopped re that awful disaster.

Until today. My tears stop and I feel a little more myself....

2010 should be the BEST YEAR EVER.

The start was the WORST EVER and very reminiscent of the Tidal waves of about the same time a few years ago.

<(ovo)> Rob 12.18am 29/01/10


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