Monday, 18 January 2010



There is that famous quote.....

"Lies, damn lies and statistics."
I was reading a 'not very top of the range newspaper' a bit ago. I don't mind reading some of the tabloids every once in a while. (Everyday I read and buy at least one 'red top' to be honest as I don't understand what the words in 'upper class' rags mean with more than say four letters in them mean!!)
Apparently as many as 30% of potential employers here in the UK will try to guage any prospective employees through reading their Twitter pages. I find this staggering. And really shouldn't these fat cats be finding other ways to judge the 'character' of somebody? Like Graphology or Nephrology.. Or various other means of assessing a persons credibility for a job. In fact why not try sending out refusal letters or at least some sort of acknowledgement that someone has taken the time to actually want to join your shitty company for minimum wage anyway?
So Tweeters here in the UK be wary that any potential new employer is going to perhaps read your page and be able to see what you have been upto... In fact, workers in the UK have been placed onto the ever growing list of the not just unwashed, but unemployed because of their posts on Twitter...

I find this disturbing.

OK if you are throwing a sickie from work then spend all day tweeting on your 3G equipped handset that... "I am having time of life here in London. FTW!" Then you get what you deserve... But even so. Everyone needs to take the odd sickie now and then and may find that tweeting or communicating via the internet is the only thing that makes them feel better.
I don't for one minute believe this particular statistic... The 30% of employers one, and reckon the journo who created the piece thought, hey, I have a good idea here, let me make something slightly interesting up!

There are some 20 million tweeters worldwide, thereabouts.. (and some I am convinced are not actually resident on the planet we call Earth!)

So to all you 'Jokers' and the 'Jokers in training but not quite funny enough yet' out there in Cyberland. Beware about prospective employees without any sense of humour. Or very pereptive employees.

These employees should be required by law to inform you... "We have been snooping on you, we have looked at your Twitter page..."

But so what? I know I have come out with some erm less than 'putting oneself in a good light' kind of tweets many times. Usually measured on an hourly basis... Thank the stars I am temporarily retired and on the scrapheap!!

Do not attempt to say anything slightly controversial or make a joke all you unemployed and desperate people out there. And try getting off fucking Twitter every now and then eh, and looking for a job!!

And to any employers who read Twitter pages, and then wonder why their company is going under.... well, you reap what you sow!!!

So to finish, the unemployed of you out there, I send my best wishes, enjoy the measly cold weather payment you may or may not receive, and good luck with the jobhunting! There are more and more people retiring everyday to spend 37 hours per day on Twitter so there are millions of jobs.... Allegedly.
<(ovo)> xx

Rob. 18/01/10 22.02 Approx.



  1. Oi! Where's my link at the side of your page???? =P

  2. I can only do sixteen things at once Charlotte! Shall be adding a few more in due course! 8oD

  3. Interesting. I wonder what the stat really is...


  4. LOL! Everybody should tweet!

    Well the statistic quoted seems to pretty much 30ish % in most info sources, but other than proper data collection think of a number!

    Methinks these employers need to not be resorting to such underhand methods, the piece I shamelessly reworded was originally in the Sun!!


    Rob (Ray you have a blog too?)
