Thursday 17 December 2009


I like thinking. Doesn't everyone?

I also like being able to commit my thoughts to computer files and losing them. So I often reach for anything that I can scribble on. I can scrawl one or two random thoughts, on an envelope say, add a couple of salient words, and that is it. I seem to be able to write from these, often cryptic hieroglyphics, averagely, not bad pieces.
Envelopes can be quite big. So often, after, say, a ten minute period, I can have seven or eight articles, poems or letters, already written. When I get round to typing them up!!

I sometimes enjoy typing things up. And I more often than not, just start something and see where it goes. Often posting the most random of pieces at the most random times. When people say... "I have writers block. I just cannot think of anything....."
Well. I tend to switch off. If you can't think of anything to write, then in my opinion you are not a writer.

Writing just boils down to the ability to put words, in some kind of order, that may make sense and get your point across and hopefully someone, somewhere may read those words. If someone, anyone, takes time out of their lives to read what you have written, then that should surely be your inspiration... Bad wording I feel, but maybe it makes sense.

The downside of sometimes having too much time to think.

This sounds like a paradox. You cannot actually choose what your ideas are about.... Inspiration and ideas can sometimes be bloody scary.
I am at my most 'creative' at night. What I apply that creativity to depends.

The inspirations can come anytime, anywhere. And obviously sometimes I start to write a few salient words about these ordered, but random ideas.

Imagine this. Suddenly you get an idea. You start to mentally 'flesh' that idea out, not just adding salient words, but the thought processes take over. Where is this going? So often I let the due processing power of my ZX81 brain do it's stuff....

OFTEN, when I have had that 2 minute quick think, assessing the worth of the latest idea.... (usually when it is approaching the time when I should have been asleep!)

I don't like this idea. One bit. But I go with it.

I have often been 'cured' of constipation by some of the ideas....

The semi-funny comment above may be a 'throwaway' line, but actually semi-serious!!

There are serious ideas and sometimes morbid ones too. Some seriously morbid, and morbidly serious ones spring up from time to time too. Not about death and destruction or annihilation...

"The most innocuous brainstorming session can and often does, envisage scenarios and outcomes that go down certain roads, calling in at certain cul-de-sacs, avenues and boulevards along these seemingly endless roads... Often wishing, I need a dead end...."

I like that paragraph above. And feel it is pretty much self explanatory.
Seems the logical place to leave this latest post, although I do feel that I could add loads more to this point I am trying to make, that sometimes ideas can be seriously terrifying. Luckily I sometimes love these ideas and the final outcomes the best.

I have an idea now. I am going to the loo!!! *inserts cheesy grin here*

I like the final outcome of this latest piece.

<(ovo)> xx

Rob. 17/12/09 21.40 Approx.


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